Save the Bees!

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Actually… Save the pollinators! By focusing ‘save the bee’ campaigns on honey bees, we may be neglecting the pollinator species that really need our help.

North America hosts a diverse array of native pollinators, including over 4,000 species of bees, approximately 750 species of butterflies, and more than 11,000 species of moths. We also have about 75 species of pollinating birds, primarily hummingbirds, and around 12 species of pollinating bats. In addition, thousands of beetle and fly species, hundreds of wasp species, and numerous other insects like ants and midges contribute significantly to pollination. Check out our recent social post about how snails might be pollinators too!

This biodiversity underscores the importance of protecting and supporting all pollinators to sustain healthy ecosystems across North America. Ask any Wild Ones member how to save pollinators, and you will get one consistent response: we need more native plants and natural landscapes in every community.

5 Ways to Help Create a Future Where Pollinators Thrive

  1. Help declare Pollinator Week in your state
    Advocate for your state to declare Pollinator Week by writing to your governor using the sample letter and proclamation text provided by The Pollinator Partnership:
  2. Collaborate with local nurseries
    Partner with local nurseries to promote the sale of native, pollinator-friendly plants. Advocate for labeling plants that are beneficial to pollinators and providing educational materials to customers.
  3. Lobby for Pesticide Regulations
    Advocate for stricter regulations on pesticide use. governments to implement policies that reduce or eliminate the use of harmful pesticides in public spaces and promote safer alternatives. Tell Congress To Support a Farm Bill that Promotes a Sustainable Future ( Among other concerns, the current House Farm Bill removes the right to sue for harm caused by pesticides and eliminates local authority to restrict pesticide use.
  4. Support the work of groups promoting science-based, practical efforts for pollinators
    Wild Ones supports pollinators and the habitats they require through education, advocacy, and collaborative action. You can also consider donating to friends over at the Pollinator Partnership. Or if you want to try something different register to support monarch conservation by logging Miles for Monarchs.
  5. Cultivate a community of support for native plants
    Being a Wild Ones member is about more than building habitat in your yard; it’s about engaging with communities, advocating for supportive policies, fostering partnerships, and educating others to create a network of support for native plants and pollinators. If you haven’t watched Wild Ones chapter liaison Lisa Olsen’s 2022 webinar, where she discusses how to engage with local communities and advocate for supportive policies, it is worth a watch:

Saving the pollinators isn’t just about focusing on honey bees—it’s about protecting the diverse array of species crucial to our ecosystems. By supporting native plants, creating natural landscapes, and taking just a few of the steps outlined here, we can help sustain pollinators and ensure healthy ecosystems across North America.

Check out Wild Ones Chapter Events for Pollinator Week- June 17-23, 2024.