Category: General

The Pharmaceutical Power of Native Plants

Welcome to the fourth installment of the Native Plants for Healthy People and a Health Planet series. In previous posts, we discussed native plants as a means for combating chronic health issues, infectious diseases, and mental health disorders. We’ve explored how native plants and improved biodiversity support our bodies and minds directly. This post will […] Continue reading "The Pharmaceutical Power of Native Plants"

Mental Health and Natural Landscapes

Welcome back to the third installment of the Native Plants for Healthy People and a Healthy Planet series. Previously, we’ve discussed how incorporating native plants into our backyards and public spaces protects people from certain infectious diseases and chronic health conditions. We’ve covered biodiversity’s effects on immune system, respiratory, and cardiovascular health. This newest installment […] Continue reading "Mental Health and Natural Landscapes"

Why garden with kids?

Why garden with kids? This is a question we are asked frequently a KidsGardening. My first response is to begin listing all of the many benefits gardens offer that contribute to a child’s physical, mental, and emotional health. From sensory activities that can provide emotional regulation to edible gardens that can increase a child’s willingness to […] Continue reading "Why garden with kids?"

Infectious Disease Control Through Biodiversity

Welcome to the second installment of the Native Plants for Healthy People and a Healthy Planet series. The previous blog post covered the benefits of biodiverse native plants on chronic health. In particular, native plants are beneficial for our immune systems, as well as respiratory and cardiovascular health. I also mentioned that native landscapes are […] Continue reading "Infectious Disease Control Through Biodiversity"

A Conversation with Matthew Ross on Public Gardens and Native Plants

Across the United States, public gardens offer a gateway to understanding the ecological and cultural significance of plants. They serve as centers for conservation, education, and sustainable landscaping. Learn about the role public gardens play in conservation, education, and community engagement in this Q&A with horticultural education leader and advocate for native plants in both […] Continue reading "A Conversation with Matthew Ross on Public Gardens and Native Plants"