The National Board of Directors is comprised of officers, directors, and ex-officio positions. The board is responsible for establishing the structure of Wild Ones Natural Landscapers, Ltd., and sets the mission and direction of the organization. The board ensures ethical and legal accountability across this 501(c)(3) and is the steward of its financial resources.
We look for individuals with a wide range of skills and backgrounds to serve on the National Board of Directors. Native plant knowledge is a great asset to this role, however, strong organizational and leadership skills, as well as passion for our environmental mission are valued highly as well. Interested candidates should visit our Board of Director Nominations page to learn more and access the nomination form.

Board Roles:
Directors come from a variety of professional backgrounds to provide sound guidance and direction for the organization. All are passionate about Wild Ones’ mission and working together to strengthen our momentum.
Board officers provide good governance, with dedicated leadership across the organization, and in their respective roles, provide the specialized duties of financial operations oversight and reliable record keeping. Officers are elected to serve a one-year term.
Ex-officio positions include the Past President, and the General Counsel. While being non-voting members of the board, their presence provides continuity, and their expertise provides clarity to create a well-rounded team.