

Wild Ones Presents “The Nature of Oaks: The Rich Ecology of Our Most Essential Native Trees” by Dr. Doug Tallamy

Drawing from his book, The Nature of Oaks (2021), renowned entomologist Dr. Doug Tallamy offers a month-by-month guide to observing and identifying the growth of oak trees and the living creatures that depend upon oaks for food and shelter. Oaks perform critical ecological functions: they support biodiversity, sequester carbon, stabilize soil, produce high-quality persistent leaf […] Continue reading "Wild Ones Presents “The Nature of Oaks: The Rich Ecology of Our Most Essential Native Trees” by Dr. Doug Tallamy"

NDAL Offering Summer Virtual Learning Sessions Discounted for Wild Ones Members

Wild Ones is sponsoring a series of online learning courses in conjunction with New Directions in American Landscape (NDAL) as a part of their “Broadening Our Landscape Vision: Ecology, Culture, and Art A Virtual Education Series.” This is a great opportunity to learn about ecologically sound landscaping right from your own home! Plus, Wild Ones members […] Continue reading "NDAL Offering Summer Virtual Learning Sessions Discounted for Wild Ones Members"