Category: Education

Don’t miss the Redfin article we’re featured in: “Start Your Sustainability Journey this Summer: 24 Eco-Friendly Home Design Ideas”

With the summer season about to begin, chances are you’ve heard about reducing water usage, limiting your electricity or air conditioning, and other eco-friendly practices you can take part in. But what does it mean to truly have a green home all year round – not just during the summer months? From sustainable architecture to […] Continue reading "Don’t miss the Redfin article we’re featured in: “Start Your Sustainability Journey this Summer: 24 Eco-Friendly Home Design Ideas”"

Lisa Olsen, Wild Ones Chapter Liaison: Cultivating a Community of Support for Native Plants

How do we marshal human and community resources to incorporate native plants into our gardens, parks and communities? This recording was a part of the Tending Nature speaker series sponsored by The Ohio State University and has been shared with permission. Continue reading "Lisa Olsen, Wild Ones Chapter Liaison: Cultivating a Community of Support for Native Plants"

Certified Native Habitat Program

Join us in spreading the message and inspiring others, showcasing your habitat as a beacon of environmental stewardship.