Wild Ones Board Seeking Appointees!

Posted on | National News

We are seeking individuals who are interested in fulfilling vacant positions on the Wild Ones Board of Directors.

We are looking to fill open positions by appointment, utilizing the application and review process. Appointed directors serve for the remainder of vacant terms. We currently have vacant positions on the board with terms ranging from 1 year to 3.5 years. After an application is electronically submitted, the nominations committee will evaluate candidates and make recommendations to the board.

Please consider applying for an appointment to the National Wild Ones Board if you are interested in fulfilling the requirements of service listed in the prospectus linked here. We seek applicants who have the time and dedication to give to make for a well-balanced and engaged board. We are particularly interested in candidates with skills in the areas of finance, organizational management, and governance.

We encourage applicants coming from outside of the Wild Ones organization, as well as applicants who have never before served on a non-profit board.

For questions, please email Governance Committee Chair, Eric Fuselier