Wild Ones Board of Directors Candidate Nomination Form

**Please Note: This web-based form does not allow the saving of drafts.** The form must be completed in one session. Potential candidates are strongly encouraged to compose and save their responses ahead of time in a word processor, and paste their answers into the web-based form when finalized. Following this process will ensure your responses are not lost if your browser unexpectedly times out or quits during the completion of the form.

Board of Directors Candidate Nomination Form

Maximum file size: 20.48MB

Do we have your permission to contact your chapter (if applicable) as a reference for your application?

Your experience with other boards, if any. You may list up to 4.

Your experience with other boards, if any. You may list up to 4.

Please check your skills or experience in any of the topics below:
Here are examples of communities that we are interested in working with as an organization, selecting from the list below, check those communities with which you have a connection.
Please provide one reference who is not a family member that Wild Ones can contact about your application.  

Board members are expected to prepare for and attend bimonthly board meetings (6 per year) and “50/50 sessions” (50% topical discussion/50% social) in alternate months. Boar meetings and 50/50 sessions run between 90 and 135 minutes and fall on the 4th Monday of the month at 5 p.m. CT. You will be expected to serve on one or more board committees. Committees typically meet monthly for 1-2 hours and require some work between meetings. Most board members can expect to spend 6-10 hours/month on national board work.

Are you able to commit at least this amount of time to virtual meetings and the other work necessary to help govern this organization?
From time to time, the board may decide to hold an in-person board meeting, usually at a hosting chapter’s location. Are you able to travel and attend an in-person meeting or retreat, at your own expense?
As outlined in the prospectus, board members must maintain a Wild Ones membership and contribute according to your means. Are you able to commit to this?

By signing this application form you acknowledge that you have read the Board Recruitment Prospectus, and your submission confirms your willingness to go forward with the application process and your agreement with Wild Ones stated mission, goals, and Board requirements.