NDAL Offering Summer Virtual Learning Sessions Discounted for Wild Ones Members

Posted on | Education

Wild Ones is sponsoring a series of online learning courses in conjunction with New Directions in American Landscape (NDAL) as a part of their “Broadening Our Landscape Vision: Ecology, Culture, and Art A Virtual Education Series.” This is a great opportunity to learn about ecologically sound landscaping right from your own home! Plus, Wild Ones members receive a discounted price ($28 instead of $35) on the following courses:

  • Historical Ecology with Michael Gaige
  • Close Encounters with Larry Weaner
  • Organic Landscaping with Mike Nadeau
  • Native Meadows with Larry Weaner
  • “Like Painting a Picture” with Abra Lee

To learn more about the webinars, please see NDAL’s brochure. To register online, visit: https://learning.ndal.org/collections. The coupon code to use at the time of registration is wildonesmember.