Wild Ones Community Growth Challenge 2024

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Wild Ones Needs Your Help!

Are you passionate about native plants and natural landscapes? Do you believe in the power of community to drive environmental change? Then get ready for an exciting opportunity to make a difference! Starting July 1st, we are launching the Community Growth Challenge, and we need your enthusiasm and dedication to help us grow the Wild Ones community.

How It Works

Recruit New Members: Share your passion for native plants and natural landscaping by inviting friends, family, and colleagues to join Wild Ones. You can share your unique referral link on social media, talk about Wild Ones at gatherings, or even give gift memberships.

Earn Rewards: Members who refer five or more new members between July 1st and August 31st will receive a free limited edition Wild Ones ball cap (mailed within 45 days following the campaign’s conclusion). Wear it proudly as a symbol of your dedication to the cause!

Compete for Chapter Glory: The chapters that recruit the most new members by the end of the challenge will receive $250 to support their mission delivery efforts. Plus, they’ll earn bragging rights for their hard work and community spirit. Categories for chapter awards: Seedling Chapter, Small Chapter (less than 50 members at the start), Medium Chapter (50 to 125 members), and Large Chapter (over 125 members). The chapter with the most new Business or Nonprofit members will also receive an additional $250.

Why Join Wild Ones?

There are countless reasons to become a part of Wild Ones (Check out our recent blog post). Membership not only helps spread the message of native landscaping but also provides crucial support for our national and chapter operations. By joining, new members will gain access to a wealth of resources, including:

  • Educational materials on native plants and landscaping techniques.
  • Opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for nature.
  • Events, workshops, and volunteer opportunities to get hands-on experience.
  • Access to the Wild Ones Journal, filled with inspiring stories and practical advice.

Get Started Today!

To view the leaderboard and start referring new members, visit Wild Ones Refer-A-Friend for your unique referral link. Together, we can grow our community, support our mission, and make a lasting impact on our environment.

Join the challenge, spread the word, and see how many new members we can welcome to Wild Ones. Every new member strengthens our voice and furthers our mission to promote native landscapes through education, advocacy, and collaborative action.

Thank you for your dedication and support. Let’s make this Community Growth Challenge a resounding success and create a movement of native planters growing healthier landscapes!