

The Grapevine (Mar 2005)

Water You Gonna Do About It? In 1917, during World War I, the Washington State Legislature passed a bill which reads, in part, “… all waters within the state belong to the public, and any right thereto, or to the use thereof, shall be hereafter acquired only by appropriation for a beneficial use and in […] Continue reading "The Grapevine (Mar 2005)"

The Grapevine (Jan 2005)

Plant Diversity and Ecosystem Functioning In a study that mimicked the natural order of species loss in a grassland ecosystem, researchers found that declining biodiversity greatly reduced resistance to invasive species, and that the presence of even small numbers of rare species had profound functional effects. The results have important implications for understanding the biodiversity […] Continue reading "The Grapevine (Jan 2005)"

The Grapevine (Nov 2004)

Something Extraordinary This following simple recipe for killing weeds is being presented in prose form because I’d like you to read the entire text to make sure you get the rest of the story. This recipe goes as follows: 1 gallon white vinegar; 1 pound table salt; 1 tablespoon liquid dish-washing soap. Mix together and […] Continue reading "The Grapevine (Nov 2004)"

How I Created My Woodland

Or What I Did to Save My Rescued Woodland Plants! When a group of us started our Fox Valley Area (WI) Chapter ten years ago, I took on the responsibility of being Outagamie County Plant Rescue (Dig) Chair. Because John and I both worked in construction at the time, we had a front-row seat to […] Continue reading "How I Created My Woodland"

Springfield Township in Southeastern Michigan

In northwestern Oakland County, at the outer fringes of development in southeastern Michigan, fifty miles from the heart of Detroit, the residents and public officials in Springfield Township recognize the regionally and globally significant ecological features within their borders, and have worked hard to preserve them. Over the years, many approaches have been used to […] Continue reading "Springfield Township in Southeastern Michigan"

The Grapevine (July 2004)

Some twenty years or more ago, I was touring the Ann Arbor (MI) Flower Show, which, at the time, was like the State Fair of Horticulture. My feet were tired, and I needed to sit down, when I saw a board advertising the three o’clock talk “on wildflowers.” The speakers were a husband and wife […] Continue reading "The Grapevine (July 2004)"

The Grapevine (May 2004)

We Are Not Alone “The field of landscape design is changing, becoming more sensitive to the environment. The traditional American lawn – just ‘mow, blow and go,’ using chemical fertilizers and lots of water to keep it green – is being gobbled up by plantings of ornamental grasses; native plants are replacing bulbous shrubs.” This […] Continue reading "The Grapevine (May 2004)"