Mission, Vision, Values


Wild Ones promotes native landscapes through education, advocacy and collaborative action.


Native plants and natural landscapes thriving in every community.

Core Values

We inspire change through shared core values:

  • Respect is at the heart of Wild Ones®. We have respect for each other, for nature and for the earth. 
  • We’re an inclusive community. Diverse voices and backgrounds make us stronger. That’s why we welcome everyone to join us. 
  • We provide evidence-based information, because the seeds of change spread most efficiently when grounded in data. We monitor and share the latest evidence-informed strategies. 
  • We’re action and growth oriented. Just dig in! We learn, grow, and share our knowledge. 

Why We Exist

A healthy planet starts with native plants.

Dwindling biodiversity is a threat to the foundation of life on earth. In the last century alone, we’ve lost millions of acres of diverse ecosystems to urbanization.

Native plants help protect and restore biodiversity, improve air and water quality and provide wildlife with quality food and shelter. Our vision is native plants and natural landscapes in every community.

Wild Ones Natural Landscapers, Ltd. is a nonprofit, environmental education and advocacy corporation registered in the State of Wisconsin. We are a 501(c)(3) organization, registered under Tax ID# 39-1695443. All membership dues and donations are 100% tax-deductible to the extent of the law.

Annual Report

Wild Ones members are invited to Annual Member Meetings that take place in March. Recordings of these meetings can be accessed through your member account.