2022 Photo Contest Winners

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We had over 540 stunning entries in this year’s contest! By entering their photos in our contest, these photographers are helping Wild Ones further its mission. Wild Ones uses contest images in Wild Ones publications, promotional materials, presentations and on the Wild Ones websites so that others may be inspired to learn about native plants and natural landscaping.

First place category winners were awarded a $50 prize. Second and third place category winners received bragging rights. 

We were proud to have the 2022 Photo Contest judged by the following volunteers:

  • Ginny Levy – Head of Garden Club of America Horticulture Committee
  • Lori Purk – Missouri Master Naturalist
  • Robert Smith – Photographer and Wild Ones Member
  • Josh Taylor Jr. – Professional Photographer and Canon Explorer of Light

All images are the property of Wild Ones and should not be downloaded or used without permission.

Best In Show Winner
(voted by the judges)

Peoples Choice Winner
(voted by current Wild Ones members)

Fauna with Flora Category Winners
(non-pollinator wildlife with native plants)

Flora Category Winners
(must be native to where photo was taken)

Home Landscaping Category Winners
(native plants around buildings or facilities)

It’s Alive Category Winners
(organisms that do not fall under other categories that live on or with native plants)

Pollinators Category Winners

Public Landscaping Category Winners
(native plants around buildings or facilities)

Scenery Category Winners
(native woodland, savanna, prairie, wetlands, etc.)