Category: General

Wild Ones Journal Wins APEX Award!

The Wild Ones Journal just won a 2020 APEX Award for Publication Excellence! This is an annual competition for corporate and nonprofit publishers, editors, writers and designers who create print, web, electronic, and social media. Winners were selected from 1,183 entries in 12 major categories. (The Journal‘s award is in the “Magazines, Journals, & Tabloids-Green” category.) Continue reading "Wild Ones Journal Wins APEX Award!"

Tim Lewis Has Passed Away

Tim Lewis, former Wild Ones National Board President, has passed away. It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Tim Lewis on Sunday, July 12, 2020. Tim served as the Wild Ones National Board President from 2010 to 2016 and as the Rock River Valley Chapter president for many years. Tim was […] Continue reading "Tim Lewis Has Passed Away"

Fireflies light up our lives 

Fireflies, also known as lightning bugs, are enchanting beetles that light up summer evenings. They thrive in moist soils and decaying organic matter. Unfortunately, their populations are declining due to various factors. Learn how to create a firefly-friendly habitat in your yard and help preserve their magical glow. Continue reading "Fireflies light up our lives "

The Words of Aldo Leopold Never Grow Old

Few voices in conservation have left as lasting an impact as Aldo Leopold. Known as a pioneer of modern wildlife ecology and land ethics, Leopold’s A Sand County Almanac continues to inspire those passionate about preserving and restoring the natural world. This timeless classic serves as a reminder of our responsibility to live in harmony with the land. Celebrate Leopold’s legacy by exploring his reflections on conservation and learning how to build a Leopold Bench – a practical and symbolic piece that embodies his philosophy. Continue reading "The Words of Aldo Leopold Never Grow Old"

How I Created My Woodland

Or What I Did to Save My Rescued Woodland Plants! When a group of us started our Fox Valley Area (WI) Chapter ten years ago, I took on the responsibility of being Outagamie County Plant Rescue (Dig) Chair. Because John and I both worked in construction at the time, we had a front-row seat to […] Continue reading "How I Created My Woodland"