

The Grapevine (Nov 2006)

GMO Escape An experimental, genetically modified grass, designed for golf courses, has been found in the wild, several miles from its test site. In the May/June 2004 “Grapevine” I included a brief mention of genetically modified (GM), Roundup-Ready Creeping Bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.). Scott’s and Monsanto are testing this plant, hoping to provide it for […] Continue reading "The Grapevine (Nov 2006)"

The Grapevine (Sept 2006)

Invasive and destructive gypsy moths fall prey to a “fungus among us.” Homeowners begin to realize that their lawns really do suck (too much water). And does NASA still go where no one has gone before? When populations of gypsy moths reach outbreak proportions, the caterpillars can completely defoliate host trees over a wide geographic […] Continue reading "The Grapevine (Sept 2006)"

The Grapevine (July 2006)

Does Early Interaction With Nature Help Kids Think and Cope Better? And if You Don’t Like Poison Ivy Now, Wait Until You Hear What Happens When It Grows in a “Greenhouse.” Nature Nurtures Karen Wells, an assistant professor in Cornell’s College of Human Ecology, has published a number of papers over the past few years […] Continue reading "The Grapevine (July 2006)"

The Grapevine (Mar 2006)

When frogs are afraid to go into the water, should we be worried, too? After Sally Pick, a Wild Ones Partner-at-Large (MA), called me in response to a note about malformed frogs in the January “Grapevine,” I felt compelled to hit the stacks. It seems that the modern-day maladies of frogs take many forms: extra […] Continue reading "The Grapevine (Mar 2006)"

The Grapevine (Jan 2006)

The notion of invasiveness in native plants is one that is distasteful to contemplate. Usually we prefer to say that a native plant is a “strong spreader” or an “aggressive spreader.” At some point it may be necessary to stop splitting hairs. I’m thinking particularly of cup-plant (Silphium perfoliatum). It first caught my attention when […] Continue reading "The Grapevine (Jan 2006)"

The Grapevine (Nov 2005)

Ringing the alarm for Earth “An ecosystem itself undamaged is very, very resilient, and the more simplified it gets, the less resilient. Globally, what we are doing is simplifying them all, simultaneously, which is a very dangerous large-scale experiment.” Peter Raven, botanist, recently Time magazine’s “Hero of the Planet,” Director of Missouri Botanical Gardens in […] Continue reading "The Grapevine (Nov 2005)"

The Grapevine (Sept 2005)

Something to think about: Benefits of a messy yard Winter is months away, but since we may not be able to afford a November/December issue of the Journal, this seems like a good time to mention some fall caretaking strategies for our native plantings. Here are some things to think about: Remember that what you […] Continue reading "The Grapevine (Sept 2005)"

The Grapevine (July 2005)

Protests of Roadside Spraying Marilyn Logue, president of the Columbus (OH) Chapter tells us that residents of Ohio are writing letters to the Ohio Department of Transportation requesting that ODOT consider using brush cutters along state routes to control brush growth for highway safety. ODOT has been using a herbicide containing triethylamine to control brush […] Continue reading "The Grapevine (July 2005)"

The Grapevine (May 2005)

Imagine Imagine all the most searing yellows from Van Gogh’s sunflowers, the most sumptuously gorgeous reds and oranges of O’Keefe’s poppies, and the smoky blues and magentas made familiar by Monet’s water lilies. Spread these colors over a landscape as far as the eye can see. Hold tight to that image in your mind while […] Continue reading "The Grapevine (May 2005)"