Strengthen the Native Landscaping Movement by Supporting Indigenous Voices

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Honoring Indigenous Voices in the Native Plant Movement 

No conversation about native plants is complete without recognizing the voices of the Indigenous peoples who have lived in harmony with them for thousands of years. At Wild Ones, we recognize the importance of honoring these voices, and we are committed to doing more to support Indigenous communities. Through learning, collaboration, and action, we aim to amplify Indigenous perspectives in the native plant movement and strengthen the connections that make this work so powerful. 

Together, We Can Do More

We are thrilled to announce the launch of a fundraising campaign that will help us expand our commitment. Thanks to a generous anonymous donor who has pledged to match every dollar raised—up to $5,000—your donation will have twice the impact! 

With your support, we can expand our efforts to support Indigenous communities both nationally and through our local chapters. Your donation will fund no-cost memberships, Indigenous-led programs and projects, and opportunities to feature Indigenous speakers. 

Indigenous Collaboration in Conservation 

Including Indigenous peoples and perspectives in conservation work is essential because Indigenous peoples have long been the stewards of the land and possess invaluable knowledge about native plants, ecosystems, and sustainable practices. By actively involving and learning from Indigenous communities, Wild Ones can ensure that traditional wisdom is preserved and integrated into modern conservation efforts. Furthermore, amplifying Indigenous voices helps build more inclusive, respectful, and equitable partnerships in environmental stewardship. This work also contributes to the broader movement for social justice and reconciliation, ensuring that Indigenous peoples are recognized and supported in their ongoing role as caretakers of the land. 

Ongoing Efforts to Amplify Indigenous Voices 

Wild Ones is committed to elevating and amplifying Indigenous voices within the native plant movement. This includes deepening collaboration with Indigenous communities, integrating Indigenous knowledge and practices into our conservation efforts, and creating more opportunities for Indigenous-led programming. Additionally, Wild Ones must work to foster ongoing education and raise awareness about the significance of Indigenous perspectives in land stewardship and ecological conservation. 

We are proud of the progress Wild Ones has made in recent years to uplift Indigenous voices. These initiatives are just the beginning of a growing effort to deepen our impact and expand our reach. Here are a few examples of how we are making a difference:  

• National Speakers: Last year, Wild Ones National, Wild Ones Fox Valley Chapter, and the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh’s Sustainability Institute for Regional Transformations, partnered with the Inter-Tribal Student Council to host Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer. Dr. Kimmerer, a celebrated ecologist, educator, author, and Wild Ones Lifetime Member, gave a compelling talk titled Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants. This event provided a national platform for Indigenous voices and emphasized the interconnectedness of culture, land, and conservation.  

We’re excited to offer a new presentation by Shayla Chalifoux, founder of Shaylish Indigenous Plant Selections. InTwo-Eyed Seeing & Cultural Plants, Shayla explores how Indigenous knowledge and Western science can complement each other to enhance our understanding of native plants and ecosystems. This holistic approach highlights the value of blending traditional wisdom with modern scientific perspectives. We encourage you to watch the presentation and read more in our blog post featuring a Q&A with Shayla.  

• Local Chapter Programs: Across the country, Wild Ones chapters have hosted Indigenous speakers, to create opportunities for local communities to learn from and engage with Indigenous knowledge holders. For example, Wild Ones Kalamazoo Area Chapter recently welcomed Bethany Earl-Moody, a traditional forager, plant wisdom keeper, and enrolled member of the Piqua Shawnee tribe. She led an open discussion on the Indigenous understanding of seeking the spiritual interconnection between the two-leggeds and our plant relatives, offering attendees a deeper appreciation of traditional ecological knowledge and its relevance today.

• “What’s My Ecoregion?” Tool: As part of our commitment to education and acknowledgment, Wild Ones has integrated historic Indigenous territories into our “What’s My Ecoregion?” tool. This feature allows users to explore their native plant ecoregions while learning about the Indigenous communities who have long stewarded those lands, fostering a greater awareness and respect for Indigenous knowledge and contributions. 

Join the Conversation

We are energized by the possibilities ahead. While there’s still much work to be done, we are excited about the opportunities to build deeper relationships and share knowledge. We invite you to connect with us and help move this important work forward:  

Chapters: Reach out to the national team to explore ways to connect with Indigenous communities in your area and discuss opportunities for support. 

Indigenous Communities & Organizations: We welcome conversations about collaboration, programming, and shared initiatives. Together, we can ensure Indigenous wisdom is at the heart of native plant conservation. 

By working together, we can amplify Indigenous voices and create lasting change in the native plant movement. Thank you for your support in making this vision a reality.