February 2025 Native Plant News

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At Wild Ones, we’re dedicated to connecting people and native plants. Our Native Plant News blog delivers the latest stories on native plant conservation, scientific discoveries, and habitat restoration from across the nation. This monthly, volunteer-written, feature is designed to educate, engage, and inspire action—empowering readers to support biodiversity and promote sustainable landscaping with native flora.

Washington DC: A Bipartisan Cause

A bipartisan bill, sponsored by Representatives Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11) and David Joyce (OH-14), was reintroduced to Congress promoting the use of native plants in federal building landscaping projects. The bill, “Building Native Habitats and Federal Facilities Act,” is supported by national and statewide environmental organizations, including The Nature Conservancy, The Sierra Club, and The Audubon Society. 

Rep. Sherrill said, “When we take steps to protect our environment, we’re not just curbing climate change, we’re lowering costs and improving the quality of life here in New Jersey. That’s why I am introducing legislation to encourage the use of native plants at federal facilities in New Jersey and across the country. Local, native plants help preserve critical habitats and food supplies for animals, contain and filter stormwater to protect communities from flooding, and require less maintenance — reducing costs for towns and municipalities. I look forward to continuing to work with environmental advocates across New Jersey as we advance this legislation to protect the Garden State.”

“Ohio is home to a multitude of native plants that support our delicate ecosystem and water conservation efforts. This bipartisan legislation will ensure we protect native plants and restore natural habitats to aid endangered wildlife and support our local economies. I remain committed to supporting natural habitat conservation and restoration efforts that will benefit communities in Northeast Ohio and across the country,” said Rep. Joyce. 

Sherrill, Joyce Reintroduce Bipartisan Bill to Mitigate Flooding, Lower Landscaping Costs, and Protect our Planet Through the Use of Native Plants -Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill

Texas: Raising Awareness of Invasive Species

February 24th to 28th is National Invasive Species Awareness Week. This initiative is a way to amplify the public’s understanding of the threats of native species and solutions preventing their spread, and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) wants Texans to get involved. 

“During National Invasive Species Awareness Week, and throughout the year, we want to encourage all Texans to learn more about invasive species and take time to prevent new introductions and spread of these harmful species to help protect our natural resources for the enjoyment of future generations and prevent economic impacts,” said Monica McGarrity, TPWD Senior Scientist for Aquatic Invasive Species.

Species re non-native to an ecosystem can become invasive as they grow and reproduce rapidly and outcompete or prey on native species and degrade their habitat. Introductions of non-native species can occur through intentional release through landscaping and dumping of pets or accidentally as “hitchhikers”. These species can cause environmental and economic damage and harm to agriculture and human health. The costs of invasive species are approximately $219 billion in the United States alone.

National Invasive Species Awareness Week supports initiatives to prevent harmful, non-native plants and wildlife -Odessa American

You’re doin’ fine, Oklahoma!

Oklahomans incorporating native plants into their gardens can get reimbursed up to $525 worth of native plants per 100 square feet by The Wildlife Habitat Grant Program. This new program aims to support the needs of wildlife that live in or pass through Oklahoma. This program is especially relevant given the recent United States Fish and Wildlife Service proposed protections for the monarch butterfly.

“Oklahoma being centrally located right in the midst of the migratory path, makes it a critical place for the monarchs to stop and raise their young, as well as get food and continue their migration,” said Katie Hawk, executive director of nonprofit Oklahoma Monarch Society, which runs Okies For Monarchs.

Okies for Monarchs recommends that participants in The Wildlife Habitat Grant Program plant colorful species such as purple coneflower (Echinacea pupurea), milkweed (Asclepias spp.), and goldenrod (Solidago spp.) and a list from this non-profit is available for participants to help them choose. The use of fungicides, herbicides, and pesticides in these gardens is not allowed. 

Applications for The Wildlife Habitat Grant Program are due March 31st. 

A program in Oklahoma will pay residents to grow native plants -KGOU

New York: Plants for Pelham

Residents from the town of Pelham, New York, spent the first weekend in February participating in programs to help create and improve wildlife habitats. 

On Saturday, February 1st, the Pelham Public Library and the Environmental Coalition of the Pelhams (EcoPel) held a winter seed sowing workshop. Participants planted native flower seeds, including goldenrod (Solidago spp.), beardtongue (Penstemon spp.), and cut leaf coneflower (Rudbeckia laciniata), into milk jugs. When placed outdoors, these seeds will then undergo cold and moist conditions (stratification) required for most native seeds to germinate. These seedlings will then be transplanted into the ground in the spring.

Then Sunday, February 2nd, the Pelham Vine Squad and the Boy Scouts of America removed round-leaved bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus), English ivy (Hedera helix), multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora), and wineberry (Rubus phoenicolasius). The volunteers created a “dead hedge” of the plant debris to create a habitat for insects and small animals. Two bags of litter were also removed. 

EcoPel and Pelham Library hold activities to sow winter seeds and clear invasive vines -PelhamExaminer.com

Alaska: Medicinal Plant Workshops

A twice-monthly winter workshop hosted by the Kenaitze Tribe is educating participants about native plants and their medicinal uses at the Dena’ina Wellness Center in Kenai. 

At the most recent event, participants used droppers to infuse essential oils with dried yarrow flowers in a roller bottle to create a headache remedy. Tia Holley, a consultant at the clinic, said that the Dena’ina people have historically used yarrow to mitigate pain and sickness and ancient Romans used the plant on the battlefield to stop bleeding. As another headache remedy, participants at the workshop also made tea from willow bark. 

Remembering the traditions of indigenous people is part of the reason why Holley started the workshop. “When people start making the plant medicine, some people start remembering the things that they made when they were younger. A lot of our elders were disconnected from practicing the traditional use of plants,” she said. 

Dena’ina traditions take root in medicinal plant workshop -kdll.org

Crop Yields Increase Near Native Vegetation

A study from the University of South Australia has found that leaving native vegetation in agricultural fields increases crop yields. 

The study, published in Agriculture, Ecosystems, & Environment, investigated the impact of native vegetation on pollination rates and yields of canola (Brassica napus) and faba bean (Vicia faba) crops. When growing within 200 meters of native vegetation, both crops showed higher yields: canola produced 20% more seeds and faba beans produced 12% more seeds. Crop yields were best when near larger patches of vegetation where more pollinators inhabited. 

Bianca Amato, one of the study’s authors, said, “The findings confirm that both fragment and roadside vegetation improve pollination and crop yields. Roadside vegetation plays a strong role but is often threatened by clearance. Pollinators are essential for sustainable farming, although their habitat is often overlooked in intensive agriculture. Preserving roadside vegetation and remnant patches could provide a simple way to support both biodiversity and crop production.”

Don’t clear native vegetation if you want high crop yields -phys.org

Virginia: Federal Funding Pause Impacts Invasive Species Removal

The Friends of James River Park (FOJRP) have been removing invasive species from the park. However, that work is now on hold due to the federal funding pause.

FOJRP’s invasive species removal project was funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act. The money was then used to hire people to remove invasive plant species and develop a long-term management plan for the park. That funding is now on hold and the group was asked to cease all work and reimbursements until further notice. 

Josh Stutz, Executive Director of FOJRP said the non-profit has volunteers to help clear invasive plants but that the work is continuous and that the grant allowed them to pay technical, well-trained staff that are available on a consistent basis. FOJRP is committed to keeping the invasive plant removal staff and is planning to do more fundraising. “We are just trying to make a better James River Park System,” he said. 

Federal funding pause threatens invasive plant removal in James River Park -wtvr.com

Gina Bartleson is a member of the Wild Ones Cedar Rapids-Iowa City Area (IA) Chapter.