As summer draws to a close in 2023, a remarkable journey is poised to unfold, weaving together athleticism, environmental advocacy, and a resounding call to action for a treasured pollinator. Meet Anthony Battah, an accomplished ultra-marathoner, who’s gearing up for an extraordinary endeavor known as the Ultra-Trail Monarch campaign. This monumental mission isn’t just about running—it’s about shedding light on the pressing threats faced by monarch butterflies and inspiring a collective effort for change.

A Grand Athletic Feat
Departing from Montreal, Canada on July 29, Battah will embark on an extraordinary athletic feat. His journey spans three countries—Canada, USA, and Mexico—encompassing an astonishing distance of 4,500 kilometers within a span of 90 days. Just as monarchs undertake their winter migration from Canada to Mexico, so too will Battah, with his journey culminating on November 1, 2023, at the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve in central Mexico—an arrival that signifies endurance, tenacity, and the unity of purpose. With an average daily distance of 50 kilometers, this challenge will test not only his physical stamina but also his dedication to creating a better world for monarch butterflies. You can track his progress live through Garmin, check for the updated links on Facebook and Instagram.

Rooted in a Passion for Change
The seed of the Ultra-Trail Monarch campaign was sown from Battah’s deep-rooted desire to translate concern into tangible action. The enormity of the challenge itself is a reflection of the magnitude of the ecological issue at hand and the potential solutions that lie within our grasp.
The Ultra-Trail Monarch initiative extends a compelling call to action that resonates across North America:
- Nurturing Monarch Habitats: Battah’s journey underscores the critical importance of creating habitats along the entire migration route. By planting milkweed and nectar-rich flowers, individuals can contribute to the survival of monarchs.
- Funding for Preservation: Amplifying impact, the campaign aspires to raise $4.5 million, equating to one dollar for every meter Battah covers during his ultramarathon. These funds will support organizations dedicated to preserving both monarchs and biodiversity.
Planting Seeds of Transformation
Beyond the boundaries of athleticism, Battah’s expedition carries a profound symbolic gesture. He will sow the seeds of change by planting milkweed and nectar-rich flowers along his route, effectively creating “aid stations” for future generations of monarch butterflies. This endeavor echoes a growing movement in North America, with schools and cities alike pledging their support to the cause.
About the Monarch Joint Venture
Wild Ones is a proud partner of Monarch Joint Venture (MJV). MJV unites federal and state agencies, NGOs, businesses, and academic programs in a collaborative effort to safeguard the monarch migration across the United States. As a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization, all donations are tax-deductible.
Anthony Battah’s Ultra-Trail Monarch campaign epitomizes the power of human resolve in the face of ecological challenges. Join Miles for Monarchs, an MJV initiative designed to raise awareness and support for the conservation of monarch butterflies. Join the Wild Ones team and commit to covering miles throughout the fall.