Start a Wild Ones Chapter

Chapters form in a variety of ways.  We have several chapters that started in a university environment. Others have evolved from an existing organization such as a garden club or nature center volunteers, and some were started by a few people who were interested in natural landscaping and sharing their interest with the public.  A great source of assistance can be the local county extension agent.  

As the hub of the organization, Wild Ones will provide support, guidance and information to help you form a viable group in your area. In the initial phase, the startup is called a “Seedling Chapter.” To become a “Chartered Chapter,” the seedling needs to have officers selected, 10 paid members and a meeting calendar for 12 months with four confirmed plans. A Starter Kit of brochures, suggestions, etc. is sent to the leader. Wild Ones can do a zip code search of members in your area and send an email announcing the start of a new chapter seedling.  

An initial phone call can be helpful to introduce you to Wild Ones staff and talk about what is needed to start a chapter seedling.

Seedling Chapter
Your Address
Your Address
I would be interested in attending an online Seedling Start-Up Meeting to learn from other seedling founders about how to launch and grow a chapter.
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