Wild Ones Kansas City (Seedling) Chapter serves the Kansas City metro region which includes Jackson and the 6 surrounding counties.
Wild Ones Mid-Missouri Chapter serves Columbia and the surrounding areas.
Wild Ones Southeast Missouri Chapter serves the areas of Farmington, Ste. Genevieve, Cape Girardeau and Arcadia Valley.
Wild Ones St. Charles Area Chapter serves St. Charles County and the surrounding areas.
Wild Ones St. Louis Chapter Serves St. Louis, St. Louis County, and surrounding counties.
If you do not find a chapter near you, or if you choose not to be part of a Wild Ones chapter, you may choose to be a Partner At Large (PAL). A PAL is not assigned to a chapter but joins a group of members who work solo in their own communities or simply enjoy the benefits of a Wild Ones membership. Either way – as a chapter member or as a PAL, you receive all the benefits of membership. Join Now!
Upcoming Chapter Events in Missouri
Busch Workday Members Only
Hosted by Wild Ones St. Charles Area ChapterBusch Wildlife Area Headquarters
Volunteers Needed Members Only Habitat Installation/Maintenance Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains
We plan to work intensely on the c5 island by the side doors and will also address the grass island with the fire hydrant and probably the front areas close to the flag and the redbud tree. We may or may not get all of that finished depending on how many people are able to join us.
Speaker Series- Natives in the Veg Patch- Companion Planting with Natives
Hosted by Wild Ones St. Charles Area ChapterPublic Welcome Registration Required Free Event Chapter Meeting Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains
Using native plants in a vegetable garden can boost production and help with pest management. Learn the basics of pollination before diving into common garden pests, the beneficial insects that hunt them, and the native plants that will draw in those beneficial insects.
Preparing soil and compost for your gardens
Hosted by Wild Ones Southeast Missouri ChapterBishop's property
Public Welcome Free Event Chapter Meeting Free Public Parking
Shelley will give a tour of her native plantings as well as her veggie gardens. She will talk about how she makes soil and compost for her garden sites.
April Garden Gathering #1 Members Only
Hosted by Wild Ones St. Louis ChapterHome of Allison Jack
Members Only Free Event Home/Private Garden Tour Free Public Parking
Garden gathering at the home of Allison Jack
April Garden Gathering #2 Members Only
Hosted by Wild Ones St. Louis ChapterHome of Allison Jack
Members Only Free Event Home/Private Garden Tour Free Public Parking
Garden gathering at the home of Allison Jack