

Member Garden: Todd Crail

Todd Crail knows you don’t need a big to make a big impact. Crail of Toledo, Ohio, has only one-fifth acre city lot, but that lot, named the Metal House Farm and Preserve, is brimming with gardens that represent different communities of plants, as well as food gardens, chickens and just enough turf grass to […] Continue reading "Member Garden: Todd Crail"

Native Elderberry

You can easily grow native elderberry (Sambucus L. ssp. canadensis) in semi-shaded areas with moist loam or clay soils, or in rain gardens. Their wild habitat is floodplains, shorelines and edges of swampy woods. Continue reading "Native Elderberry"

The Words of Aldo Leopold Never Grow Old

Few voices in conservation have left as lasting an impact as Aldo Leopold. Known as a pioneer of modern wildlife ecology and land ethics, Leopold’s A Sand County Almanac continues to inspire those passionate about preserving and restoring the natural world. This timeless classic serves as a reminder of our responsibility to live in harmony with the land. Celebrate Leopold’s legacy by exploring his reflections on conservation and learning how to build a Leopold Bench – a practical and symbolic piece that embodies his philosophy. Continue reading "The Words of Aldo Leopold Never Grow Old"