2023 Photo Contest Submissions

All images are the property of Wild Ones and should not be downloaded or used without permission.

Title: Mayapple Glowing
Photographer: John Kreutzfeldt
Location: Flushing, MI
Chapter: North Oakland

Title: Native home
Photographer: Katie Brown
Location: Appleton, WI
Chapter: Fox Valley Area

Title: Buttonbush in September
Photographer: Jim Vallem
Location: Chesterton, IN
Chapter: Ann Arbor

Title: Bumble bee on new England aster
Photographer: Wendy Gochenaur
Location: Bloomington, IL
Chapter: Illinois Prairie

Title: Busy-Busy Bee
Photographer: John Hanley
Location: Baton Rouge, LA
Chapter: Greater Baton Rouge

Title: Giving Thanks
Photographer: Denise Gehring
Location: Elbert’s, MI
Chapter: Oak Openings Region

Title: Lupine
Photographer: Justin Gish
Location: Portage, MI
Chapter: Kalamazoo Area

Title: Swamp Candle Garden
Photographer: Jim Natale
Location: Westerly, RI
Chapter: Mountain Laurel

Title: Sitting Pretty
Photographer: Mary Harris
Location: Newburg, MO
Chapter: St. Louis

Title: Midewin Bison
Photographer: Tom Scheidt
Location: Joliet, IL
Chapter: Lake-To-Prairie

Title: Coneflower Pollinators
Photographer: Lynda Parker
Location: Loudon, TN
Chapter: Smoky Mountains

Title: Bee on Bergamot
Photographer: Lynn Tillson
Location: Lynn, MA
Chapter: Essex County MA Lowlands (Seedling)

Title: Hawk-eye mouse-slayer
Photographer: Neelanthi Vadivel
Location: Cornelius, NC
Chapter: Charlotte Piedmont

Title: Monarch Paradise
Photographer: Mary Zeise
Location: St. Francis, WI
Chapter: Milwaukee-Southwest-Wehr

Title: If You Plant It, They Will Come…
Photographer: Virginia Miller
Location: Lexington, KY
Chapter: Lexington

Title: Song Sparrow in Summer
Photographer: Kali Longworth
Location: Mequon, WI
Chapter: Milwaukee-North

Title: Brand New Monarch
Photographer: Susan Shopland
Location: East Finley Township, PA
Chapter: Partner At Large

Title: Monarch on Coreopsis
Photographer: Kylie Schedler
Location: Red Springs, WI
Chapter: Wolf River

Title: Black Tiger Swallowtail
Photographer: Sandy McCreery
Location: Greendale, WI
Chapter: Milwaukee-Southwest-Wehr

Title: Mallard Ducks and Lilly Pads
Photographer: Sandy McCreery
Location: Greendale, WI
Chapter: Milwaukee-Southwest-Wehr

Title: Paw Paw in Bloom
Photographer: Suzanne Asaturian
Location: Makanda, IL
Chapter: Illinois Prairie

Title: Nectar Landing Pad
Photographer: Suzanne Asaturian
Location: Makanda, IL
Chapter: Illinois Prairie

Title: Serene Evening at the Refuge
Photographer: Suzanne Asaturian
Location: Carbondale, IL
Chapter: Illinois Prairie

Title: Shooting Star in Denver
Photographer: Jen Bolger
Location: Denver, CO
Chapter: Front Range

Title: Tufted Evening Primrose
Photographer: Jen Bolger
Location: Denver, CO
Chapter: Front Range

Title: Mirabilis & Hornworm
Photographer: Jen Bolger
Location: Denver, CO
Chapter: Front Range

Title: Rocky Mountain Bee Plant
Photographer: Jen Bolger
Location: Denver, CO
Chapter: Front Range

Title: Sea Holly Lady
Photographer: Jen Bolger
Location: Denver, CO
Chapter: Front Range

Title: Spiderwort
Photographer: Steve Schmidt
Location: Lost Nation, IL
Chapter: Illinois Prairie

Title: Last Year’s Milkweed
Photographer: Steve Schmidt
Location: Gurnee, IL
Chapter: Illinois Prairie