Events Archive: 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | Upcoming Events
January 2024
Second Annual Winter Sowing Workshop
Public Welcome Family-Friendly Free Event Hands-On/How-To Workshop Seed/Plant Share Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains
Second Annual Winter Sowing Workshop
Co-hosted by Wood Lake Nature Center
11:00 am to 4:00 pm
A perfect family outing for school aged children. Action packed day will include two winter sowing workshops along with an educational open house. More details will be available at November meeting. Please help by saving rinsed, one gallon milk jugs and deep salad containers with lids.
"Cultivating Change" with Lorraine Johnson
Hosted by Wild Ones NationalOnline/Virtual
Public Welcome Recording Available Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation
Explore how native gardening can address climate challenges in our next Wild Ones national webinar, “Cultivating Change” with author and activist Lorraine Johnson. Johnson has been researching and writing about environmental issues for three decades. Learn about the pivotal role of gardening as an act of stewardship in the face of climate and ecological challenges. Discover the profound connections between individual gardens and the broader world and learn how these green spaces can serve as catalysts for positive ecological and social change. Join Wild Ones for a practical and insightful discussion on gardening's positive impact on the environment and our future.
Virtual registrants will receive a link to watch the talk live as well as a link to the recording. The recording will only be available for a limited time.
February 2024
Looking Forward to a Livelier Landscape- Alan Branhagen
Hosted by Wild Ones St. Croix Oak Savanna Chapter and Twin Cities ChapterOnline/Virtual
Public Welcome Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation
As members of Wild Ones, we appreciate how our lives are enriched by having Nature close-by. This program will challenge us to capture the spirit of our personal landscape and to bring more nature into it. Insects, and the plants they depend on, keep the world running. Keystone plants nurture numerous insects and create sustainable landscapes. What keystone plants belong in our landscape? What maintenance efforts will keep that ecosystem flourishing? How can we create greater diversity of bees, butterflies, and moths? Lastly, we'll learn to have faith in a seed, understand how plants migrate, and know that when we plant that seed, Nature will come! Let’s have fun and bloom where we’re planted!
Alan Branhagen is Executive Director of the Natural Land Institute (NLI) in Rockford, Illinois, one of our nation's first land trusts. Founder, George Fell, pioneered the concept of legally protected nature preserves, beginning 60 years ago with the Illinois Nature Preserves Commission. Today NLI is responsible for protecting over 18,000 acres of natural land, mainly in Northern Illinois.
Looking Forward to a Livelier Landscape: Indigenous plant-based landscapes. The best is yet to come…
Wood Lake Nature Center, 6710 Lake Shore Dr S, Minneapolis, MN, 55423 Map
Live Stream Available
Public Welcome Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains
Presenter | Alan Branhagen, Executive Director, Natural Land Institute in Illinois
We are members of Wild Ones because we need Nature close by to enrich our lives. This program provides some additional ideas about how we can capture the spirit of our place and bring more nature into our landscapes. Insects run the world after plants. Learn about some keystone plants to nurture more insects and create a more sustainable landscape. Know maintenance that embraces Nature to create a flourishing ecosystem: what does it take to have a diversity of bees, butterflies and moths at one’s home? Lastly, have faith in a seed, understand that plants migrate and know if you plant it they (nature!) will come. Let’s have fun and bloom where we’re planted!
Alan Branhagen is Executive Director of the Natural Land Institute (NLI) in Rockford, Illinois: one of the nation's first land trusts. Founder, George Fell, started the legally protected concept of nature preserves beginning with the Illinois Nature Preserves Commission 60 years ago. NLI is responsible for protecting over 18,000 acres of natural land, mainly in Northern Illinois.
Alan was Director of Operations at the University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum from 2017-2023 where he managed Horticulture, Plant Curation, and Natural Resource Management as well as its facilities of the 1,200-acre site.
Alan has a Bachelors of Landscape Architecture from Iowa State University and a Masters of Landscape Architecture from Louisiana State University. He is an all-around plantsman and naturalist, specializing in Birds, Butterflies, Botany, and Planning and Design with Nature. He’s authored 3 books: The Gardeners Butterfly Book, Native Plants of the Midwest and The Midwest Native Plant Primer.
March 2024
"Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants" with Robin Wall Kimmerer
Hosted by Wild Ones NationalOnline and in person at Reeve Union, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, 748 Algoma Blvd, Oshkosh, WI, 54901 Map
Live Stream Available
Public Welcome Limited Access Recording Paid Event Program/Speaker Presentation Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains Assistive Hearing
Registration for this event is now closed, and registrants have been emailed about attending. Please contact [email protected] if you have any issues getting in.
This will be a paid event for both in-person and remote viewing. Virtual registrants will receive a link to watch Dr. Kimmerer's talk live as well as a link to the recording. The recording will only be available for a limited time.
Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants
Ecological restoration can be understood as an act of reciprocity, in return for the gifts of the earth. This talk explores the ecological and ethical imperatives of healing the damage we have inflicted on our land and waters. We trace the evolution of restoration philosophy and practice and consider how integration of indigenous knowledge can expand our understanding of restoration from the biophysical to the biocultural. Reciprocal restoration includes not only healing the land but our relationship to land. In healing the land, we are healing ourselves.
Wild Ones is excited to cohost this event with the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh's Earth Week 2024 and the Wild Ones Fox Valley Chapter.
Native Plant Primer + Habitat Gardening Basics
Wood Lake Nature Center, 6710 Lake Shore Dr S, Minneapolis, MN, 55423 Map
Live Stream Available
Public Welcome Family-Friendly Recording Available Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Social 6:30 pm
Program 7:00 pm
Wood Lake Nature Center in Richfield
Native Plant Primer + Habitat Gardening Basics
Speaker: Andy Scott, ReWild Gardens, LLC |
So you've decided to jump into natural gardening but not sure where to start? Andy will cover native garden basics including site preparation, plant selection, planning basics and long term care to help your project succeed. He'll also highlight unique, under-utilized native species and landscape techniques that can help your garden setting become balanced and resilient.
About the Speaker:
In 2017, Andy shifted career focus to pursue his passion for nature and gardening to start his small native landscape and design business. Located in Bloomington, he utilized his own property to better understand how native plants respond to an urban garden setting and developed a natural approach to convert lawn and wasted space to wildlife-friendly gardens. These spaces support beneficial insects, birds and other wildlife while also creating healthy soil and conserving water. Education driven, Andy likes to involve his clients in all aspects of the process and helps provide resources to learn about and demystify the plant/pollinator relationships that their landscape will be fostering.
ReWild Gardens creates natural spaces that beautify the landscape while also supporting a myriad of important native pollinator and bird species. Gardens that utilize native plants (and wildlife-friendly practices) not only provide nectar and pollen but also act as hosts for butterflies and bees - giving them support for their entire life cycle. ReWild provides planning, installation and maintenance services for new and established wildlife-friendly natural plantings in the metro area.
April 2024
Neighborhood Gathering Members Only
Members Only Chapter Social Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking
Wild Ones neighbors getting together to socialize, share stories, knowledge
Neighborhood Coffee Gathering Members Only
Book Club Restaurant
Members Only Free Event Chapter Social Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking
Wild Ones members/neighbors meeting for coffee to share stories, knowledge, etc.
Unveiling the Mystery of Collecting Seed and Propagating Spring Ephemerals
Wood Lake Nature Center, 6710 Lake Shore Dr S, Minneapolis, MN, 55423 Map
Live Stream Available
Public Welcome Family-Friendly Recording Available Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains
Presenter: Patrick Maun
Spring ephemerals are the first to appear in the spring for a brief and brilliant window of magic They can also be somewhat tricky to propagate. In this presentation, Patrick Maun will go over different approaches to gathering, starting seed and division of roots. Patrick will talk about what’s worked over the years for him, and how you can start getting ready for the upcoming season.
New Member Quarterly Welcome Members Only
Members Only Free Event Chapter Meeting Chapter Social Hands-On/How-To Workshop
Quarterly New member welcome orientation
May 2024
Wild Ones Outreach Training Workshop Members Only
South Minneapolis
Members Only Free Event Hands-On/How-To Workshop
Wild Ones Outreach Training Workshop
Twin Cities Chapter 2nd Annual Native Plant Resource Fair
Public Welcome Family-Friendly Free Event Chapter Social Program/Speaker Presentation Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains
Twin Cities Chapter 2nd Annual Native Plant Resource Fair
July 2024
Neighborhood Gathering Members Only
Mill Valley Kitchen, Theordore Wirth Regional Park , 1301 Theodore Wirth Pkwy, Golden Valley, MN, 55422 Map
Members Only Chapter Social Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains
This is a gathering for members that are interested in meeting other members in their geographic area to get to know each other, share stories, questions, and contact information.
Summer Tour: Dave Crawford Gardens in St Paul
Dave Crawford Gardens in St Paul
Public Welcome Free Event Home/Private Garden Tour
SATURDAY, JULY 20, 2024 *
Dave Crawford Gardens in St Paul
Limited Space | Registration Opens July 9
1:00 to 2:00 pm | Guided tour for 10 people walking the Buffalo Grass pathways
2:00 to 3:00 pm | Guided tour for 20 people along areas above and below the gardens
Dave's LEED** home and surrounding gardens overlook Lake Como. The landscape consists of four rain gardens planted in 2020 and a large lawn-replacement garden planted in 2022. The plantings are 95% native, with a pollinator value preference, and are landscaped to retain or slow-flow precipitation run-off. Plants include a mix of dry prairie, shade-tolerant, and moisture-tolerant species. Pollinator species diversity is documented, and has shown an increase each year since installations.
Dave is a retired career Naturalist for the MN Department if Natural Resources (1975-2009). His long experience of teaching and a passion for the natural world, has made him a reservoir of native plant habitat knowledge, that he readily and skillfully shares. He currently volunteers as a Naturalist Mentor.
**Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design is a green building certification program used worldwide.
*In the event of adverse weather conditions, tours will be rescheduled for the following day.
Summer Tour: Cass Markovich Gardens in Northeast Minneapolis
Cass Markovich Gardens in Northeast Minneapolis
Public Welcome Free Event Home/Private Garden Tour
SATURDAY, JULY 27, 2024 *
Cass Markovich Gardens in Northeast Minneapolis
1:00 to 3:00 pm | Open to Public | Registration Opens July 9
Cass Markovich and her husband, Chuck, moved into their corner lot home in Northeast Minneapolis in 2018. Having been a rental property for years, there were no gardens and a lot of Creeping Charlie. As a textile artist, Cass needed beauty but was not a gardener. Her first plants, mostly non-natives and cultivars, were gifts from neighbors; she also added clover to her lawn.
Shortly after she began gardening Cass learned of a native plant sale offered by Wild Ones Twin Cities, beginning the journey to learn about and create gardens for wildlife, climate resilience and beauty. Cass is a member of Elders Climate Action (ECA) and can readily relay the benefit native plants play in carbon sequestration.
The tour will encompass all of her gardens, a blend of the older gifts from neighbors and an abundance of established and newly added native plants. As a recent recipient of Lawns to Legumes grant, Cass has yet another native plant garden being added this summer.
*In the event of adverse weather conditions, tours will be rescheduled for the following day.
August 2024
Summer Tour: Holley Wlodarczyk Gardens in East Bloomington Members Only
Holley Wlodarczyk Gardens in East Bloomington
Members Only Home/Private Garden Tour
Holley Wlodarczyk Gardens in East Bloomington
Noon to 3:00 pm | Wild Ones members only | Registration Opens July 9
Holley and her husband, Andrew, moved into their mid-century home in East Bloomington in 2002. In 2013 Holley discovered and joined Wild Ones, taking on various leadership roles, including organizing our Native Plant Sale for several years.
Her curiosity and intention to learn about native plants is evident in her gardens. While she says they are nothing special, simply a lot of gardens planted over times, they are a perfect example of the journey we each take as we learn about adding native plants to existing landscapes.
Holley's gardens include small rain gardens, shady and sunny plantings, bird baths and lots of pink flamingo whimsy. The meandering trails in the large yard, reveal surprising “plant rooms” around every turn. These are not formal gardens; most of them have been artful experiments to see what would grow and thrive, while providing habitat for pollinators and other wildlife.
*In the event of adverse weather conditions, tours will be rescheduled for the following day.
"Combating the Biodiversity Crisis with Native Plants" with Sarah Gray & Coralie Palmer
Hosted by Wild Ones Greater Indianapolis Chapter and Wild Ones NationalOnline/Virtual
Public Welcome Recording Available Program/Speaker Presentation
Explore how native plants can enhance biodiversity and support ecosystems in our upcoming Wild Ones national webinar, “Combating the Biodiversity Crisis with Native Plants” featuring Sarah Gray and Coralie Palmer from the Indiana Native Plant Society.
Native plants are essential for maintaining biodiversity as they provide food and shelter for a wide range of wildlife, including pollinators, birds, and beneficial insects. By incorporating native plants into your landscape, you can create a thriving ecosystem that supports local fauna and flora. These plants are well-adapted to local environmental conditions, making them more resilient to climate change and reducing the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Attendees will learn how native plants can improve soil health, enhance water retention, and contribute to a more sustainable and vibrant ecosystem.
Sara and Coralie are part of the Indiana Native Plant Society (INPS) Landscaping team, and they have collaborated on diverse projects across Indiana, including native planting schemes for schools, community gardens, the Eiteljorg Museum, and the Humane Society. Their new design for Indianapolis reflects typical sub-divisions in Indiana and considers future climate challenges, such as increased flooding and hotter, drier summers. The design features resilient, native Indiana plants that thrive in local soil conditions and contribute to the ecosystem.
Don’t miss this opportunity to gain insights from leading experts in native plants! Participants will gain practical insights into native garden designs and learn how tailored landscaping can support wildlife, promote ecological balance, and help restore natural habitats.
September 2024
16th Annual Monarch Festival - Festival de la Monarca
Lake Nokomis Park
Public Welcome Family-Friendly Free Event
The Festival celebrates the monarch butterfly amazing 2,300 mile migration from Minnesota to Mexico with music, food, dance, hands-on art, native plant sales and plenty of opportunities to get up close with monarch butterflies, learn about their habitats, and what you can do to make a difference.
The Festival will be held just east of the Lake Nokomis Community Center in the area bounded by E. Minnehaha Parkway, Woodlawn Boulevard, and E. Nokomis Parkway. Map & Directions
Like Monarch Butterfly this time of year, we are busy! The festival is coordinating with our artist friends and science colleagues to bring you activities and learning opportunities at the 2024 Monarch Festival.
Monarchs & Migration
Wood Lake Nature Center, 6710 Lake Shore Dr S, Minneapolis, MN, 55423 Map
Live Stream Available
Public Welcome Family-Friendly Recording Available Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains
Explore the lives of monarch butterflies with an overview of their life cycle, migration, and conservation. Discuss their plant preferences and the best ways to help this charismatic flagship species.
Leah Darst is an Education Specialist, offering professional development workshops, public programs, and other outreach through Monarch Joint Venture. She has been a naturalist for over 20 years: at seven nature centers across Minnesota, the Minnesota Zoo, and through her own business, Nature Enthusiations. She's been on the Board of Directors for the Minnesota Dragonfly Society since 2018 and is also their Outreach and Volunteer Coordinator and current President. This 'bug lady' is an enthusiastic educator who loves finding connections with people to collaboratively learn and share about the natural world, with a special interest in invertebrates and conservation.
"The Beauty and Benefits of Hedgerows" with Heather McCargo
Hosted by Wild Ones NationalOnline/Virtual
Public Welcome Recording Available Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation
Explore the ecological and aesthetic advantages of hedges and hedgerows in our upcoming Wild Ones national webinar, “The Beauty and Benefits of Hedgerows” with Heather McCargo, founder of Wild Seed Project.
Native hedgerows are diverse plantings of woody plants from shrubs to small trees along with herbaceous groundcovers at their base. Learn how these low-maintenance and sustainable plantings of shrubs, trees, and groundcovers can enhance biodiversity, provide critical habitats for wildlife, and contribute to climate resilience. Discover practical tips for designing and implementing hedgerows in various landscapes, from farms to urban settings, and understand their role in supporting pollinators, birds, and soil health.
You will also learn about Heather McCargo and the Wild Seed Project's latest collaboration with Wild Ones on the new Native Garden Design for Portland, ME. Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights from a leading expert in native plant restoration and take your landscaping skills to the next level.
October 2024
The Forager's Garden
Public Welcome Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation
Foraging promotes connection to native species, the land, and water. Join Tim Clemens of Ironwood Foraging Co. to learn how participating in humanity's most ancient story can help you be a better steward of our world.
Ironwood Foraging Co. was founded by Tim Clemens in 2017 to offer hands-on foraging workshops to the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area. Tim is the Consulting Mycologist for Minnesota Poison Control, Past President of the Minnesota Mycological Society, a Minnesota Master Naturalist, and a Certified Wild Mushroom Expert. Tim holds a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from the University of Minnesota and Certificates in Nature Education and Environmental Education from Cornell University.
"Matrix Landscape Design" with Benjamin Vogt
Hosted by Wild Ones NationalOnline/Virtual
Public Welcome Recording Available Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation
Learn how to use high-density plantings that replicate natural ecosystems in aesthetically pleasing designs, enhancing ecological functions while reducing maintenance efforts in our upcoming Wild One's national webinar, "Matrix Landscape Design" with author, landscape designer, activist, and educator Benjamin Vogt.
Matrix planting is a landscape design approach that mimics natural ecosystems by closely planting and layering compatible perennials and grasses to cover the soil, provide more ecosystem services, and eliminate the need for wood mulch or aggressive weeding. Join Wild Ones for a webinar to learn how author, educator, and landscape designer Benjamin Vogt applies this approach to create stunning native gardens. Learn the principles behind this method, its ecological benefits, and practical steps to implement matrix planting in your own garden.
You will also learn about Benjamin's latest collaboration with Wild Ones on the new Native Garden Design for Lincoln, NE. Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights from a leading voice in natural garden design and take your gardening skills to the next level. Register now to secure your spot!
November 2024
Annual Business Meeting & Membership Appreciation Pizza Party
Public Welcome Free Event Chapter Annual Meeting Program/Speaker Presentation Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains
Following the Business Meeting, we will have a short presentation:
Lessons Learned in Protecting and Restoring Biodiversity
Presenter: Bonnie Harper-Lore
"We have everything we need to begin solving this crisis, with the exception of the will to act. But in America, our will to take action is itself a renewable resource." (Al Gore, 2002)
Bonnie Harper-Lore will share an introduction to recently published book she and her husband, Gary Lore, have been working on for the past several years.
Lesson’s Learned in Protecting and Restoring Biodiversity, Conservation in Action is the book Bonnie wished she had in grad school before entering the real world of conservation work. This collaborative effort of 85 authors shares how they got things done, in other words the many ways they took action to bring about change and take care of the planet. Several of our local conservation pioneers and chapter members are among the contributing authors.
Earth’s biodiversity is threatened in many ways, including climate change, development and invasive species. That matters to our survival. The authors’ lessons learned explain why and how to take action, often across jurisdictional lines on a map. Building on their insights will save time and money for the generation that follows.
mapping biodiversityadding plant species to the Endangered Species Listtaking nature-based solutions to the UNsaving sage grouse, wolves, Carolina chickadees, monarchs, and musselsrestoring and/or rewildingecology and horticulture work togethercreating the monarch highwaycontrolling terrestrial and aquatic invasivestaking conservation issues to Washington D.C.partnering from the ground up
Authors include: Gary Paul Nabhan, Reed Noss, Janet Marinelli, Ted Williams, Curt Meine, and 80 more. All had the freedom to write in their own style or voice from academic, to research, to reporting, to op ed and/or story telling. I think the 647 page result is an eclectic and interesting read for students or anyone interested in conservation advocacy.
Students and professionals alike in applied ecology, wildlife biology, entomology, botany, land management, landscape architecture, horticulture, journalism, ethics and public policy benefit from these authorities’ stories. Lesson’s Learned in Protecting and Restoring Biodiversity, Conservation in Action is packed with actions already taken, to build on in the future. There is never enough time or money to waste on recreating the wheel.
Bonnie L. Harper-Lore holds a master’s from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, in which she focused on the preservation, restoration and management of native plant communities. As a restoration ecologist, she spent 20 years with state and federal roadside programs, providing technical transfers, research oversight and policy support. She spent 15 of those years as Editor of the quarterly newsletter, Greener Roadsides. She is also the author of Roadside use of Native Plants, Roadside Weed Management and Vegetation Management, an Ecoregional Approach.
Gary K. Lore holds a BA in environmental ethics, economics, and communication from Metro State University, Minnesota, USA. For 17 years, he developed integrated vegetation management plans for Colorado’s highway rights-of-way and provided safety and operational training. He also worked as a consultant and regional manager for rights-of-way contractors and suppliers. Gary then spent 12 years as a federal public affairs officer. Over time he edited and wrote features and columns for The Metropolitan, Minnesota Vietnam Veterans Quarterly, Colorado Streamside Quarterly, Trout magazine, “Outdoor Lore” and more. Gary continues graduate studies at Metro State.
Resilient Landscapes with the Native Plant Society of Texas
Hosted by Wild Ones DFW (Seedling) Chapter and Wild Ones NationalOnline/Virtual
Public Welcome Recording Available Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation
Native plants have an incredible ability to adapt to climate extremes, offering sustainable solutions for resilient landscapes. Join Wild Ones and the Native Plant Society of Texas to explore the power of native plants to thrive in challenging conditions.
This event features Christy Ten Eyck, founder of Ten Eyck Landscape Architects. Drawing from her latest Dallas-Fort Worth native garden design, Christy will share insights into designing low-maintenance, ecologically rich spaces that withstand intense climate fluctuations.
December 2024
Neonics & Advocacy: Protecting Pollinators and Influencing Policy
Hosted by Wild Ones NationalOnline/Virtual
Public Welcome Recording Available Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation
Neonicotinoid insecticides, commonly known as “neonics,” have become the most widely used insecticides in the U.S., leading to drastic declines in bees, pollinators, birds, and aquatic ecosystems. In this webinar, Lucas Rhoads, Senior Attorney with NRDC’s Pesticides & Pollinators Team, will share expert insights on how neonics impact our environment and pose serious risks to human health. He’ll delve into the harms associated with neonic-treated seeds, which are a major source of contamination, and explore effective policy advocacy strategies to rein in their widespread use without disrupting farmers or landscapers.